Jacob’s Timeline

Here are the events of Jacob’s life as recorded in the Bible: Age Event 0 Born to Isaac and Rebekah with his twin brother Esau 71 Start of employment working for his uncle Laban for Rachel. 78 Married to Leah first and then Rachel.Works another 7 years for Rachel. 79? Birth of Reuben by Leah …

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Joseph’s Timeline

Here is a timeline of Joseph’s life as recorded in the Bible: Age Event 0 Born to Jacob and Rachel (Genesis 30:22-24) 17 Sold into slavery to the Ishmeelites/Midianites 28 Interprets the dreams of the chief butler and baker in prison 30 Becomes prime minister of Egypt, second in charge to PharaohNamed Zaphnathpaaneah by Pharaoh; …

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How Old Was Jacob When He Died?

How old was Jacob when he died? The Bible explicitly states that Jacob was 147 years old when he died as stated in Genesis 47:28: And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years: so the whole age of Jacob was an hundred forty and seven years. Genesis 47:28 As this same passage also …

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