Jacob’s Timeline

Here are the events of Jacob’s life as recorded in the Bible: Age Event 0 Born to Isaac and Rebekah with his twin brother Esau 71 Start of employment working for his uncle Laban for Rachel. 78 Married to Leah first and then Rachel.Works another 7 years for Rachel. 79? Birth of Reuben by Leah …

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Joseph’s Timeline

Here is a timeline of Joseph’s life as recorded in the Bible: Age Event 0 Born to Jacob and Rachel (Genesis 30:22-24) 17 Sold into slavery to the Ishmeelites/Midianites 28 Interprets the dreams of the chief butler and baker in prison 30 Becomes prime minister of Egypt, second in charge to PharaohNamed Zaphnathpaaneah by Pharaoh; …

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